
Wie geht's, Peacho?
Bist du gesund?
Neferty hat gesagt, du bist in der anderen Welt, in der du hast so viel zu essen.
Aber vermisse ich dich...

How are you, Peacho?
Are you healthy?
Neferty said, you are in another world in which you have so much to eat.
But, oh, how i miss you...

I've been considering,
since I came back from 恆春
That night in the night market i saw many mice caged in cages of different sizes.
Lynn asked me if I wanted to have another as pet.
I didn't want to. I DON'T want to.
I want a mouse as company.
How I want to see a tiny cute body running the wheel in the blue iron cage.
But I'm not ready.
I'm not ready to handle, to face another death.
Death will come.
Death always comes.
But I can never learn how to lightly handle it. 淡然處之 How can I?
I've been considering... to throw away the blue cage, the wheel, even the feed, wood bits.



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